
Axon Active use EnglishScore to establish the baseline English proficiency of their employees

Axon active use the EnglishScore test and dashboard to understand their employees baseline English proficiency.

Who is Axon Active?

Axon Active specialise in Agile software development. Based in Vietnam, their offshore software engineering teams offer a flexible approach to software development. Their teams working with companies around the world with a collaborative, effective and efficient work philosophy.

Communication is at the core of their offering. Understanding that their engineers need to be able to communicate with clients effectively, they help their teams develop their baseline English proficiency. By providing them with English language training courses, Axon Active can ensure that clients get the highest quality service.

How does Axon Active use EnglishScore?

Axon Active uses EnglishScore to get an accurate assessment of their employees English level. As communication with international clients is essential to their workflow, they use English to assess their engineers English level. Using the EnglishScore dashboard, they can place teams into the correct programmes, resulting in improved English proficiency and communication.

How do employees take the English test?

Employees can access the English test by downloading the EnglishScore app to their mobile phones. This remote-first approach means that they can be taken at a time and place that is most convenient to them. All an employee needs to take the test is a smartphone with a front-facing camera and their company connect code. The test takes approximately 40 minutes to complete, with both the employees and administrator able to see a breakdown of their grammar, vocabulary, listening and reading abilities. 

By entering a unique connect code at the beginning of the test, the results are sent to Axon Active’s secure testing dashboard. The administrator can instantly search, review and rank employees by their results. The dashboard allows Axon Active to swiftly understand and track their employee’s baseline English proficiency and create personalised development plans to help them improve.

“EnglishScore has been an effective resource to be able to understand our employees English level. It is quick and efficient and we are pleased to be continuing an ongoing partnership.” 

Sebastian Sussmann, Axon Active
Helping successful employee development 

As the pandemic ushers companies towards a more flexible and remote working culture, companies will continue to look for scalable, online tools to help them achieve their training and development goals. As a mobile English test and certificate accessible from anywhere in the world, EnglishScore fits the bill for organisations looking for mass English testing at scale.