On our platform, we have loads of professional and friendly tutors for you to choose from. To find a tutor, you can search based on availability, whether the tutor speaks any other languages and the level they typically tutor.
Each tutor has a profile with an introduction video, reviews and information about their background. Booking sessions is easy: you can select a slot that works for you and book it in seconds. After booking with a tutor, you can chat with them using the chat box.

When it’s time for your session, you can join directly from the dashboard or click on the link we send to your email.
Our video-conferencing system has a number of tools so you can get the most out of your time:
- Live video/audio chat
- Screen sharing
- Learning plan progress tracker
- Notebook and audio recording

Every student is different. That’s why tutors work with you to build a personal learning plan. Learning plans are based on your current level, objectives and interests.
In each session, you can focus on a different area of your plan, and after each session, you can see the progress you are making right on the dashboard.